for Electronic
Product Design
Online Conference
Welcome to the NEPD online conference, which aims to facilitate discussion about eco-design/DfE issues in the electronics industry. A range of issues have been raised in NEPD workshops. Online delegates are encourgaed to share experiences and to post problems and opportunities for collboration on the online bulletin board below. A number of thought provoking questions are given below. Please choose an option: NEPD Online Conference
Post A Message! Instructions
2. The bulletin board will contain a bulleted list of letters (sent by other online delegates) that you may view simply by clicking on any selected entry. 3. Letters idented inwards from the left margin are letters posted as follow-ups to an orginal posting, which will be an un-indented entry at the top of list. Letters posted as follow-ups to follow-ups will be increasingly indented from the original letters. 4. At the bottom of the webpage is a form that you can use to post your contribution to the discussions on the site. To post a follow-up to any particular letter or ongoing discussion, select the original letter, and use the form that appears at the bottom of the original letter page. 5. To send your letter, fill out the blank fields of the electronic form as requested (fields can be left blank), typing in your discussion in the largest space, then click on "SEND". You will then be given an opportunity to check your entry for mistakes before finally sending yor entry. 6. To view your entry on the bulletin board, use the refresh facility icon or option on your web-browser to update the bulletin-board page. Make sure you visit again in a few days to see how the discussion has developed, particularly in response to your letter! Questions for
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