Cricket Gear Reuse

Cricket Gear Reuse (CGR) is a project that aims to catalyse and support the acceleration of cricket gear and clothing reuse projects and behaviours.


Materials Recycling Weekly (Vol. 213 No. 12 – December 2023)
The Cricketer Magazine (Vol. 103 No.10 – December 2023, p22)
Business Mondays (March 2024)
Internet Business Press (March 2024)
MRW (March 2024)
News by Wire (March 2024)
Farnham Herald (April 2024)
BBC Radio Surrey Interview with Martin Charter
Business Mondays (May 2024)
Vantage Point (June 2024)
BBC News Surrey (June 2024)
Farnham Hearld (September 2024)

CGR is funded by UKRI via Strategic Priorities Fund