Achieving ‘Zero Carbon’?
Implications for Sustainable Building Products & Technologies

Achieving ‘Zero Carbon’?
Implications for Sustainable Building Products & Technologies

16th February 2010
08.00 – 10.30 (core meeting 08.30-10.00 plus networking opportunities)
Blake Lapthorn

FREE event

Organised by: Hampshire Sustainable Construction Network & The Centre for Sustainable Design

Supported by: The Manufacturing Advisory Service - South-East

Objective: To highlight product/technology development and innovation issues associated with developing ‘zero carbon’ buildings


Achieving ‘Zero Carbon’?: Implications for Sustainable Building Products & Technologies builds on the Hampshire Sustainable Construction Network and Hampshire Economic Partnership’s recent successful Sustainable Housing conference in December 2009 which attracted over 130 delegates. The event highlighted various key issues in relation to the development of sustainable building products/technologies and innovation:

The need to build and retrofit in a lower carbon manner is becoming an imperative despite a lack of agreement on C02 reduction targets at COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. In parallel, there is a growing need to develop building solutions that incorporate reduced materials and water use, and increase recycling.

Standards have emerged worldwide, however actually achieving ‘zero carbon’ and ‘energy positive’ buildings remains a challenging task. Moving towards ‘zero carbon’ buildings will require a more holistic approach which will mean new thinking, approaches and the likely use of new products/technologies. However, avoiding greenwash and accessing reliable information on how to design and develop ‘zero carbon’ buildings as well as sourcing more sustainable products/and technologies to incorporate into housing continues to be a difficult exercise.

The workshop will provide an update on standards, provide an overview of design, development and sourcing issues with examples from new build and retrofit ‘zero carbon’ buildings. Finally, there will be a discussion on key issues associated with product/technology development related to ‘zero carbon’ buildings.  


The event is primarily targeted at the needs of companies with less than 250 employees based in the Hampshire and the South-East of England. It will be appropriate for product/technology suppliers, builders, developers, architects, planners, sub-contractors, procurers of buildings and building services and many others associated both directly and indirectly with the built environment.

Benefits of attending


Chairs: Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design, UCA and Gary Wilburn, Chairman, Hampshire Sustainable Construction Network

Registration & networking
Stephen Duncan/Gary Wilburn, Hampshire Sustainable Construction Network
Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design, UCA
Key global trends: sustainable products/technologies and innovation
Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design, UCA
Overview of innovation and product/technology implications of the Code for Sustainable Homes, LEED and Passivhaus standards
Steve Charter, Managing Director, SC2 Sustainability Consultancy
Case studies: designing to a higher level - issues and challenges related to the sourcing sustainable products/technologies
Gary Wilburn, Creative Director, HPW Partnership
New product development challenges and opportunities
Charles Burt, Managing Director, The Olive Consultancy
The role of low carbon technologies
Jae Mather, Director of Sustainability, Carbon Free Group



The workshop is free of charge. Please complete the registration form below and return it to Ros Carruthers on or on fax on 01252-892747.

Registration Form


Download map

Organised by:

Supported by:

The Manufacturing Advisory Service - South-East