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Sustainable Innovation 2014

Cities & Regions as Catalysts for Smart & Sustainable Innovation
Part of the ‘Towards Sustainable Product Design’ series of conferences
19th International Conference
3rd-4th November 2014

Organised by:
The Centre for Sustainable Design
Conference website:
Sustainable Innovation 2014

Early Bird Discounts are Available for Bookings Before 31.08.14

Speakers & Panellists

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Professor Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design ®, University for the Creative Arts, UK Martin Andersen, CEO, Smart City, Denmark Moa Bjornson, Project Manager, Malmö Innovation Platform,
Environment Department, City of Malmö, Sweden
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Dr Laurent Bontoux, Policy Analyst, JRC – Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Belgium Guido Braam, CEO, Circle Economy, Netherlands Panos Coroyannakis, Director, ISLENET, Belgium
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Trevor Davis, IBM Distinguished Engineer and
Consumer Products Futurist, IBM, UK
Robbert Droop, Policy Coordinator, Environmental Protection Office, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment & Project Leader, ECO-INNOVERA, Netherlands Søren Femmer Jensen, Director, Co-Creative, Denmark
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Gil Friend, Chief Sustainablilty Officer, City of Palo Alto, US Sascha Glasl, Founding Partner, Space and Matter, Netherlands Eva Grambye, Special Envoy for the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) and Head of Department in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

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Lars Holte Nielsen, Member, Management Board, ERRIN, Denmark

Professor Ulrik Jørgensen, DIST Centre, Department of Development & Planning, University of Aalborg, Denmark Professor Simon Joss, International Eco-Cities Initiative,
University of Westminster, UK
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Christian Löwe, Senior Expert, Federal Environment
(UBA), Germany
Michal Miedzinski, Senior Consultant, Technopolis Group, Belgium Lars Mortensen, Head of Group,
European Environment Agency, Denmark

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Christophe Nuttall, Executive Director, R20 Regions of Climate Action, Switzerland Martine Postma, Founder, Stichting Repair Café, Netherlands Henrik Poulsen, Manager, Green Startup House, Denmark
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Almut Reichel, Project Manager, Sustainable Consumption & Production and Waste,
European Environment Agency, Denmark
Gianluca Salvatori, President and CEO, Progetto Manifattura and European Research Institute on Cooperation and Social Enterprises, University of Trento, Italy Michael Stevns, Partnership Manager, Center of Competence Cities, Siemens, UK
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Professor Fred Steward, Innovation & Sustainability, Policy Studies Institute & Climate KIC, UK Dorte Vigsoe, Team Leader and Chief Consultant, Fund for Green Business Development, Danish Business Authority, Denmark Professor. Dr. Wang Yi, Deputy Director-General, Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Conference Programme
Download Sustainable Innovation 2014 conference
Sustainable Innovation 2014 will provide a platform to discuss the opportunities & challenges related to the role of cities & regions in catalysing, facilitating & stimulating sustainable innovation, products, services, technologies & new business models. Sustainable Innovation 2014 will include invited & refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, technology providers, designers & innovation & sustainability directors as well as other business functions. The event will create a unique space for learning, networking & thinking. Delegates will come globally from large companies, SMEs, as well as academia, government and non-governmental organisations. The conference is supported by an international Advisory Board.
Benefits of attending Sustainable Innovation 2014
New Contacts: 80%
New Knowledge: 64%
New Information: 64%
New Ideas: 58%
Source: 107 respondents from survey of delegates to Sustainable Innovation conferences 2008 – 2012
Why you should attend Sustainable Innovation 2014
Sustainable Innovation 2014 will provide a range of benefits to speakers and delegates:
Unique: Forum for new thinking, ideas and concepts
Leading-edge: Presentations from international researchers, practitioners and policy-makers
Quality: Over 50 papers will be presented
Content: New research, results and thinking
Networking: Opportunities to meet business, government and academia
Track-record: Over 2200 delegates from over 50 countries have attended previous events
Established: 19th international conference
Fees and Registration Form
See ‘Fees’ on for delegate rates

Registration Form

Social networking
Use the social networking share buttons at the top to tell your colleagues and networks about the opportunity. If you’re tweeting you may want to copy in the following: @mcharter1
For more information on Sustainable Innovation 2014 please contact:

Ros Carruthers

The Centre for Sustainable Design
University for the Creative Arts

Tel: + 44 (0) 1252 892772
Fax: + 44 (0) 1252 892747

Organised by:

The Centre for Sustainable Design
Venue partner:

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Strategic partners:

Climate KIC

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