
There is growing grassroots innovation movement of Makers, Modifiers and Fixers that have the potential to initiate and accelerate more distributed, localised, low carbon, resource efficient (pro)sumption (production and consumption) models. This is being driven by increased access to information, increased sharing and collaboration, new ‘places and spaces’ to enable making, modifying and fixing, the emergence of new tools (e.g. 3D printing) and growing interest in thinking globally but acting locally. The workshop will give an overview of trends and issues that Professor Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design ® is seeing emerge based on 25 years of working in the ‘sustainability and innovation’ area and introduce a series of projects related to Circular Economy Innovation. This will be followed up by a 2nd presentation by Rob Simpson of Transition Town Farnham on local ‘social innovation’ projects that are operating in the Farnham community.


Makers, Modifiers & Fixers:  ‘Grassroots Innovation’ and Circular Economy
Professor Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design ®, UCA Farnham, UK
– Background to The Centre for Sustainable Design
– New sustainability developments
– Introduction to ‘Circular Economy’ concept
– Emerge of ‘Makers, Modifiers & Fixers’ movement
– Examples of Circular Economy Innovation
– Circular Ocean Project
– Farnham Repair Cafe
‘Real World’ Sustainability Projects in the Farnham Community
Rob Simpson, Transition Town Farnham
– Overview of Transition Town movement
– Local Farnham projects and how to engage
– Farnham Local Food (community food growing)
– Farnham Hoppers (‘beer growing’ project)
– The Greenways network (cycling routes)
– Farnham Eco-cinema (eco-cinema and food sharing)
Questions and Discussion

Fees & Registration

‘Makers, Modifiers & Fixers’ is a FREE event but registration is required via EventBrite

Social networking

Follow related developments on Twitter: #CE_Innovation, #Circular_Ocean. #ShareRepair & #SusIn16