
Restore + Repair includes presentations on restoration and repair and will be organised between 5.30 – 7.30 on the 13th March 2025 at Farnham Maltings . TV personality, Will Kirk from BBC’s Repair Shop will discuss his Sunday Times Bestseller Restore followed by a book signing. Professor Martin Charter will then present the history of the award winning Farnham Repair Café and facilitate a panel discussion with trustees and volunteers. This will then be followed by a presentation on repair by Dr Stephen Knott from UCA’s Crafts Study Centre. Restore + Repair is organised within the Farnham Literary Festival.

In addition, a tour of UCA Farnham is being organised beforehand between 3.15 – 4.30, for those people who would like to see the facilities of one the UK’s most prestigious universities focused on creative arts and industries.


5.00 Registration and coffee 

5.15 Introduction 

5.25 Restore: The art of caring for the things you love
A discussion & Q&A with Will Kirk, BBC Repair Shop and Author of Restore

6.00 Farnham Repair Café
Professor Martin Charter, Founder/Chair, Farnham Repair Café and Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design ®, UCA 

Panel (FRC Trustees and Volunteers)

6.35 Repair and the Museum 
Dr Stephen Knott, Director, Crafts Study Centre

6.55 Closing Remarks
Professor Martin Charter, Founder/Chair, Farnham Repair Café (FRC) and Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design ®, UCA 

7.00 Booking signing
Will Kirk, BBC Repair Shop and Author of  Restore

7.30 Close


The event is free of charge, but you will need to register by sending your name to FRC@uca.ac.uk indicating Event. Space is limited, so book early and unfortunately only one ticket can be granted per household. If you are interested in the UCA Tour, please also register by indicating UCA Tour. On receipt, you will be sent confirmation and directions of how to join the Event and/or the UCA Tour.


Funding for this project is from the Research England Strategic Priorities Fund. Research England is part of UK Research and Innovation, a public body funded by the UK government. For more information visit www.ukri.org or re.ukri.org.