A range of issues indicate growing interest by public and private sector organisations in eco-innovative solutions.
The global market for sustainable technologies is set to grow to $700 billion by 2010.
Green Public Procurement plans have been implemented in UK , France and Sweden and each highlight emerging opportunities for companies with eco-innovative solutions.
Walmart, Tesco and Mark & Spencer are implementing high profile eco-innovation programmes
The Stern Review highlighted both the threats and opportunities related to climate change
A range of entrepreneurs have started their own eco-innovation funds and programmes. These include Vinod Khosla (Sun Microsystems), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Paul Allen (Microsoft co-founder), John Doerr (Google and Amazon), Steve Case (AOL) and Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group).
$US 2.9 billion was invested in cleantech in North America in 2006 (a 78% increase compared to 2005)
General Electric's Ecomagination has announced annual investment of $1.5 billion into R&D into cleantech