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It is widely recognised that eco-innovation will play a critical broad role in sustainable development through contributing to more sustainable forms of consumption and production. It will also play a critical specific role in addressing environmental problems such as climate change. Eco-innovation may include incremental environmental improvements. However, to sustainably meet the needs of a growing world population will require radical, stepwise or ‘factor x' improvements in eco-efficiency. New technology³ must be part of the solution although innovation may also include organisational marketing and other changes by a company and wider system changes affecting use of the product. Eco-innovation can be applied in any product, process or service area leading to environmental benefits but core (related) areas of need are in ‘dematerialisation' (materials reduction/efficiency) and ‘decarbonisation' (low carbon/energy efficiency). Eco-innovation offers major opportunities for businesses and for regional and national economies in emerging global markets for more eco-efficient products and services.
General sources Arthur D. Little, 2004. How leading companies are using sustainability-driven Innovation to win tomorrow's customers http://www.adl.com Centre for Sustainable Design: Proceedings and other documentation relating to the Sustainable Innovation series of conferences and associated events. Centre for Sustainable Engineering: Promotes collaboration between business, universities and others in developing innovative sustainable technologies. EnvironWindows platform for environmental knowledge sharing, including eco-innovation. Euractiv media portal for EU environmental affairs: Includes European Commission developments in eco-innovation. http://www.euractiv.com/en/environment European Commission: Innova: The European Commission's (DG Enterprise and Industry) project begun in 2006 to promote eco-innovation. European Commission: Environmental Technology Action Plan including eco-innovation initiatives and a conference on eco-innovation 19-20 April 2005. European Commission: Speech to the European Business Summit on the eco-innovation challenges for European business. by Given by the European Commissioner for the Environment March 2006. http://www.europa.eu/rapid/PressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/06/175 European Eco-Innovation Forum: A forum of experts whose first conference was 21-22 November 2006. Eco-Innovation Invest: European Platform on 2007 financial support for eco-innovation. Global Environmental Management Initiative. 2000 conference Eco-innovation: New pathways to economic growth. http://www.gemi.org/docs/conf2000 UK Materials Knowledge Transfer Network ( UK ): Stakeholder partnership in innovation. National Industrial Symbiosis Programme: UK business-led initiative to improve resource efficiency and create business opportunities through waste exchange between industries. Nordic Innovation Center : Collaboration between Nordic countries on innovation in environmental technology. http://www.nordicinnovation.net Resource Efficiency Knowledge Transfer Network ( UK ): Stakeholder partnership in innovation. http://ren.globalwatchonline.com Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI). SERI contributes to European initiatives on eco-innovation. UK government site for advice and support on sustainable innovation. Technium Sustainable Technologies: Environmental innovation hub supported by the EU and Welsh Development UK Government: Environmental Innovation Advisory Group: Vision, meeting minutes and other documents. http://www.dti.gov.uk/sectors/environmental/environmentaleiag UK Government: Market Transformation Programme supporting sustainable consumption and production, including policies supporting innovation. UK Government. UK ETAP Roadmap: United Kingdom National Roadmap for Implementation of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (2005) UK Government. 2003 Innovation Report. Competing in the Global Economy: the innovation challenge . Waste and Resources Action Plan: Promoting and supporting waste reduction including supporting innovation. http://www.wrap.org.uk World Environment Foundation: Golden Peacock eco-innovation award.
Centre for Entrepreneurship, Oslo : Hellstrom T, Dimensions of Environmentally Sustainable Innovation. Green marketing: Eco-innovation references including ‘Driving eco-innovation: A breakthrough discipline for innovation and sustainability' by Fussler C and James P, Pitman Publishing, London 1997. Hart SL. 2005. Capitalism at the Crossroads: The unlimited business opportunities from solving the world's most difficult problems, Wharton School Publishing, Pennsylvania. Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH. 2000. Greening of the Innovation System? Opportunities and Obstacles for a Path Change towards Sustainability: The Case of Germany Diskussionspapier des IÖW 47/00. International Journal of Environmental Technology vol 2 No 4/2002: Foster C and Green K, Environmental innovation in industry: The importance of environmentally driven users The Journal of Sustainable Product Design (online journal). Includes papers on eco-innovation. http://www.cfsd.org.uk/journal/index.html Kemp R and Anderson M, Strategies for Eco-Efficiency Innovation: Report for the Dutch Presidency of the EU, 2004. http://www2.vrom.nl/docs/internationaal/RegonalResearch02.pdf Technopolis BV.2004. Policy Instruments for Sustainable Innovation
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