Sustainability, Cricket Gear, Clothing and Apparel Stakeholder Workshop

15th July 2021 9.30am – 1.00pm

Webinar Video Recordings: Part 1 & Part 2


09:30 Welcome

Chris Whitaker, Chair, BASIS

Professor Philip Powell, Director, Business School for Creative Industries, UCA


Professor Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design (CfSD), Business School for Creative Industries (BSCI), UCA

09:35 Overview/Research findings

Professor Martin Charter, Director, CfSD, BSCI, UCA

Matthew Weatherfield, Reseracher, CfSD, BSCI, UCA

10:00 Cimate change and cricket gear

Dr Russell Seymour, CEO, BASIS

10:20 WSGFI Pledge for the FIFA Quality Programme

Marc-Ivar Magnus, Vice President, World Sporting Goods Federation Industry(WSGFI)

10:35 Social issues in the supply chain

Guido Battaglia, Head of Policy and Outreach, Centre for Sports and Human Rights

10:50 Panel

Facilitated by Martin Charter

Dr Russell Seymour, CEO, BASIS

Marc-Ivar Magnus, Vice President, World Sporting Goods Federation

Guido Battaglia, Head of Policy and Outreach, Centre for Sports and Human Rights

Andrew Martin Vice President, Sustainable Apparel Coalition

11:10 Group discussion (Breakout rooms)**


Professor Martin Charter, Director, CfSD, BSCI, UCA

12:00 Report-back, discussion and lessons learnt

Facilitated by Professor Martin Charter, Director, CfSD, BSCI, UCA

3 minute report-back by Chairs of break-out rooms (15 minutes)

12:55 Next actions

Chris Whitaker, Chair, BASIS

Professor Martin Charter, Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design (CfSD), Business School for Creative Industries (BSCI), UCA

13:00 Close

Further information

For more information contact:
Ros Carruthers
The Centre for Sustainable Design ®
Business School for the Creative Industries
+44 (0) 1252 892772