The Centre for Sustainable Design (CfSD) has been involved in a range of EC and UK funded research projects.
Projects have included:
CfSD is a partner in Farnham Repair Cafe – a community workshop focused on repairing products.
Circular Cricket is funded by UKRI, AHRC through its Design Accelerator (DA) programme. DA is part of Future Observatory, the Design Museum’s national research programme for the green transition.
CfSD is leading a project that is considering product circularity issues in cricket gear design & development. The project is funded by UKRI via University for the Creative Arts, AHRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).
CfSD is leading two projects that aim to catalyse and accelerate peer to peer networking (P2P) and knowledge exchange (KE) between Createch businesses internationally. The projects are funded by UKRI via University for the Creative Arts, AHRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).
CfSD is leading the Cricket Gear Reuse (CGR) project that aim to catalyse and accelerate cricket gear and clothing reuse. CCR is funded by UK R&I Strategic Priorities Fund.
CfSD is leading the Vegan Leather Cricket Gear (VLCG) project will complete reports and disseminate information related to potential application of vegan leathers to cricket gear. VLCG is funded by UKRI via University for the Creative Arts, AHRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).
CfSD is leading a project to explore business models and product circularity implications related to cricket gear. The Circular Cricket Gear (CCG) project is running between 2022-23 and is funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
CfSD is a partner in Blue Circular Technology (BCT) that is running in 2022. BCT is funded by Northern Periphery & Arctic Programme (European Regional Development Fund).
CfSD is a partner in PASIC (Platform for the Accelerating Sustainability in Cricket), a collaborative platform that aims to catalyse and support the acceleration of sustainability-driven innovation of cricket equipment and clothing.
CfSD is a partner in the ORIENTING running between 2020-2023. ORIENTING is funded through Horizon 2020 European Union funding for Research & Innovation.
EU-China Ecodesign and Standards Cooperation Project
CfSD is the team leader of EU-China Ecodesign and Standards Cooperation Project runs between 2019 to 2020. The project is funded under EU-China Industrial Policy Dialogue.
CfSD is a partner in the Blue Circular Economy running between 2018-2021. Circular Ocean is funded by Northern Periphery & Arctic Programme (European Regional Development Fund).
CfSD is a partner in the Circular Ocean project running between 2015-2018. Circular Ocean is funded by Northern Periphery & Arctic Programme (European Regional Development Fund).
CfSD is a partner in the FUSION project running between 2012-2014. FUSION is funded by INTERREG IVA “2 Seas” Programme.
Sustainable Supply Chains through Innovation (SUSCIN)
CfSD is the lead partner of Sustainable Supply Chains through Innovation (SUSCIN) that ran between 2009-2012.. SUSCIN was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) & South East England Development Agency (SEEDA)/Department of Communities & Local Government (DCLG).
CfSD was a partner in the EDECON project funded by European Enterprise Network
Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZEROWIN)
CfSD is a partner in Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZEROWIN) that is running between 2009-2014. ZEROWIN is funded by European Commission’s (EC) Framework 7 Programme (FP7)
Design and Innovation for Business Sustainability (DIBS)
CfSD is a partner in Design and Innovation for Business Sustainability (DIBS) that is running between 2009-2011. DIBS is funded by ERDF/SEEDA
Environmental Market and Innovation Development (ECOMIND)
CfSD is a partner in Environmental Market and Innovation Development (ECOMIND) that is running between 2008-2011. ECOMIND is funded by EC’s Interreg IV A 2 Seas programme.
Providing Real Time Information for Personal Travel (PIPT)
CfSD is a partner in Providing Real Time Information for Personal Travel (PIPT) that is running between 2009-2011. PIPT is funded by UK’S Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
Civil Society Platform on SCP (DelibProc)
CfSD was a partner in Civil Society Platform on SCP (DelibProc) that ran between 2008-2010. DelibProc was funded by EC Framework 7 Programme (FP7)
‘Centre of Excellence’ in Sustainable Innovation & Design (CoE-SID)
CfSD was the project leader for CoE-SID project that ran been 2006-2007. CoE-SID was funded UK Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) SE Business Resource Efficiency & W (BREW) Fund (through SEEDA)
Sustainable Consumption Research Exchanges (SCORE)
CfSD was a partner in Sustainable Consumption Research Exchanges (SCORE) that ran between 2005-2008. SCORE was funded by EC’s Framework 6 Programme (FP6)
Asia Eco-Design Electronics (AEDE)
CfSD was the lead partner in Asia Eco-Design Electronics (AEDE) that ran between 2005-2007. AEDE was funded by EC Asia Pro-Eco (Aid) programme
The ‘State of the Art’ in Eco-design in the Japanese Electronics Sector
CfSD were a partner in a UK PERA/Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) funded Global Watch Mission that was organised in 2005
ECO-Efficient LIFE-cycle Technologies (ECOLIFE 2)
CfSD was a partner in ECO-Efficient LIFE-cycle Technologies (ECOLIFE 2) that ran between 2002-2006. ECOLIFE was funded by EC’s Framework Programme 5 (FP5) – GROW
Sustainable Products & Services Network (SusProNet)
CfSD was a partner in Sustainable Products & Services Network (SusProNet) that ran between 2002-2004. SusProNet was funded by EC’s Framework Programme 5 (FP5)
The ‘State of the Art’ in Eco-design in the Chinese, Taiwan and Hong Kong Electronics Sectors
CfSD was the lead partner in a UK PERA/Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) funded Global Watch Mission that was organised between 2003-2004
The ‘State of the Art’ in Eco-design in the Japanese Electronics Sector
CfSD was the lead partner in a UK Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) funded Global Watch Mission that was organised between 2001-2002
Closing the Loop on Electronic Products and Domestic Appliances (ECOLIFE 1)
CfSD was a partner in Closing the Loop on Electronic Products and Domestic Appliances (ECOLIFE 1) which was organised between 1998-2001. ECOLIFE 1 was funded by EC’s Framework Programme 4 (FP4) – BRITE-EURAM
ESTO Study 1 (Eco-design ‘European State of the Art’: Comparative analysis and conclusions – Part I & II)
Part I –
Part II –
CfSD was a partner in ESTO Study 1 a major study on the ‘state of the art’ of eco-design in Europe that was undertaken during 1999-2000. ESTO study 1 was funded by European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO) project report, Joint Research Centre-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies for EC’s DG Environment
ESTO Study 2 (Eco-design: Strategies for Dissemination for SMEs – Part I & II)
Part I –
Part II –
CfSD was a partner in ESTO Study 2 a major study on the ‘state of the art’ of eco-design amongst SMEs in Europe that was undertaken during 2000. ESTO Study 2 was funded by European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO) project report, Joint Research Centre-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies for EC’s DG Environment
Eco-design and Training for Manufacture, Use and ‘End of Life’ for SMEs (ETMUEL)
CfSD was the project leader for Eco-design and Training for Manufacture, Use and ‘End of Life’ for SMEs (ETMUEL) that was organised by 1998-2000. ETMUEL was funded by EC’s European Social Fund (ESF).
Sustainability Integrated Guidelines for Management (SIGMA)
CfSD has been invited to be a project steering committee member for the Sustainability Integrated Guidelines for Management (SIGMA) project. In addition, CfSD has been selected as the lead research organisation on ‘sustainability and supply chain management’ research stream.